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Be Mine

Be Mine

This is your new go-to Valentine's game. Students dig through bowls of heart candies, to find the one that matches the heart on the screen. You enter the candy phrase, so this game is brand agnostic and completely customizable. 

Have your hand on the screen pull a heart candy from the bowl and watch as your students go nuts! The first student to bring you that candy, wins the round. Have fun!

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How to play

—The Setup "Be Mine" requires a bunch of those little heart candies with the phrases on them. Diffrenet brands have different phrases. Since you enter the phrases into the app, the brand doesn't matter. Just get enough candy hearts to fill a giant bowl/bucket. You'll also need a giant bowl/bucket! This is all depends on your ministry, so make adjustments as needed. In a perfect world, you'd get three of those large red buckets that are usually used to hold ice and drinks. Fill them to the top with the heart candies.
Alternatively, you could have tables with large bowls filled with the hearts. You do you. I wouldn't even tell your students not eat them when they come in. Let them go nuts and realize later that they just lowered their chances of winning by eating the game :) In the game's dashboard, click on, "Play" in the side menu. In the settings panel, enter the phrases that are on the hearts that you bought. Each new phrase needs to be separated by a new line (i.e. hit the enter key on your keyboard).
Once you enter all of the phrases, click the save button at the bottom and you're good to go! Just click on the, "Launch" switch in the top right corner when you're ready to play the game.

—The Gameplay
-- Launch the game and display it on your screen --
Have your students put their backs to the candy bowls/buckets and look at your screen. Tell them that a hand is going to reach into the bowl on the screen and pull out a heart. Once you see the phrase on the heart, turn around and find that heart in your bowl/bucket. The first person to run that heart to the stage will win that round.
Once a round is over and a winner is on stage, have everyone reset and turn away from their bowls/buckets. Repeat this again to get another winner. Do this again until you have 5 (or whatever you want) winners on stage.
To pick the final winner, have each of the students on stage take turns picking a heart from a bowl on stage. Then, have the game pick a heart of its bowl. If the hearts match, you have a winner!

The controls are really simple. Just hit the Spacebar to toggle the arm. Each time you hit the spacebar, it will step forward (i.e. Put the hand in the bucket, reveal the heart, remove the arm from the screen). Once a heart has been picked, you can hit the Enter key to zoom in and out of the heart.
In the controls, you have the option to force a heart! This is great if the final person on stage picks something like, "I love you" and you want them to win. You can force the next heart to be, "I love you". Just select the phrase that you want to use and click, "Force Next Heart". The next heart that is revealed will be that heart.

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