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Extreme Head Counting

Extreme Head Counting

It's fun. It's simple. It gets the whole group thinking, but there can only be one winner. Watch uploaded photos of your students' faces fly onscreen as your students try to guess how many faces there were without going over.

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How to play

If you don't have editing software, we've got you covered! In the dashboard, just under, "Settings", you'll see a little message that says, "Need help creating heads from your photos? Click here". Click that and it will launch the Head Maker app.
Once the Head Maker app opens, you're going to click on the image icon in the middle of the screen. This will allow you to select a photo of your contestant from your computer. Once the image loads, it will create a green circle with a bunch of dots around it. This is called the, "Mask". Anything outside of the mask will be cropped out.
Use the scale buttons on the left to make the face almost fit the circle. You can drag the photo to position it where you want. Once you get the face in the circle, click and drag the dots to fit the mask around the head. You can check how it looks by clicking on the, "Toggle Preview" button to the right. This just hides the mask so you can get a better view of your results. Click that button again to bring the mask back so you can continue editing.
Once you've got the mask the way you want it, click on the, "Save" button to the right and save the PNG file somewhere on your computer.

At this point, you should have a folder on your computer that has some PNG files of people's heads. Keep that folder handy because we're releasing a bunch of games that can use those same heads!
At the bottom of the Settings panel, click on, "Add Heads". This will open a window that will allow you to select one or more of your png files. Once you do that, a box with each head will be added to the list. You can rearrange and delete these boxes to your liking. You can add more heads at any time.
Your changes won't appear until you click the, "Save" button at the bottom of the Settings panel.

—The Gameplay
The first thing you need to do is get everyone hyped:
"Okay everyone! We're going to play a brand new game! It's called Extreme Head Counting!"
-- Launch the game and display it on your screen --
"It's really simple. All you need to do is count how many heads appear on the screen".
-- Slowly launch about 4 heads (hit any letter key on your keyboard), one after the other, to give them an idea of what to expect, but make it look super simple! --
"The person who is closest to the head count, without going over, will win. Ready? Oh, by the way, this is EXTREME head counting!!!"
-- Hit the spacebar to enter EXTREME MODE and being launching tons of heads at once by hitting a bunch of random letter keys. --
-- Stop launching heads and hit the spacebar again to exit EXTREME MODE --
"Okay! Who wants to guess?"
-- Allow students to either shout out answers, or bring up a few as contestants --
"Remember, the person closest to the answer without going over will win!"
-- Hit the Enter key on the keyboard to reveal the number --
-- Hit the Enter key again to remove the number so you can do another round --
Note: Only heads launched durning EXTREME MODE are counted. After you reveal the answer, the number resets to 0 for the next round.

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